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Welcome! On this page, you can find information about my research areas and a short version of my Curriculum Vitae.

Additionally, I am dedicated to understanding the limitations and challenges associated with employing paleodiversity and paleoenvironmental data for species and habitat preservation and the epistemic strength of claims about extinction risk and the "sixth mass extinction." I collaborate with conservationists to promote awareness and develop an inclusive conservation agenda rooted in decolonial values.


My research is actively evolving with ongoing projects in "critical metrology" aimed at fostering greater equity in conservation metrics. Simultaneously, I am developing a model to guide the democratization of conservation science, ensuring broader participation and engagement, especially of underrepresented groups.


For a detailed account of my academic journey, please refer to my Curriculum Vitae.


My area of specialization is environmental philosophy, with a focus on the interplay between measurement, biodiversity science, and values.


My research method involves using philosophy to critically engage with the scientific practices of classifying and measuring biodiversity. The practices I am especially interested in include the production of diversity indices and the journeys biodiversity data undergo from collection to their use as evidence in ecology and evidence-based conservation.

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Academic CV

Current Position

2023 - 2025

Postdoctoral Researcher,

Section For History and Philosophy of Science

University of Copenhagen

This postdoctoral fellowship will allow me to explore the relationship between biodiversity science and conservation practices from a practice-oriented philosophy of science. I am part of Joeri Witteveen's research project, "Tackling the conservationist's dilemma: Towards a pluralist philosophy of taxonomy for species conservation policy." I am also developing a participatory model for conservation that accounts for the interests and wellbeing of local and indigenous communities, stay tuned! 



Ph.D. in Philosophy

Boston University (USA)

My doctoral dissertation, titled "Philosophy of Biodiversity: Conceptual and Practical Issues in Measurement, Data, and Conservation" investigates ontological, epistemological, and methodological issues in measuring and conserving biodiversity. My supervisor was Prof. Alisa Bokulich, and my dissertation committee included Prof. Rachell Powell and Sabina Leonelli.


Master Degree in Philosophy
Università di Parma (Italy)

My Master Dissertation, supervised by Prof. Fabrizio Amerini, investigates old and new problems in philosophy of biology in connection with Aristotle's Corpus Biologicus. I focus especially on characterizing Aristole's notion of eidos and Aristotelian essentialism.  


Bachelor Degree
Università di Parma

My Bachelor dissertation, titled "Mind-Body Identity: Necessity or Contingency?", supervised by Marco Santambrogio, investigates modality in the body-mind debate, critically analyzing the arguments developed by Saul Kripke and David Lewis.



Bocchi, F., “Biodiversity Skepticism and Measurement Practices”  forthcoming in Biology & Philosophy.


Bocchi, F., “Metrics in Biodiversity Conservation and the Value-Free Ideal”  Synthese, 203(5), 145.


Bokulich A., Bocchi, F “Kuhn’s ‘5th Law of Thermodynamics’: Measurement, Data, and Anomalies”  in Kuhn’s ‘The Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ at 60 edited by Brad Wray, Cambridge University Press

2024 Forthcoming 
(in Italian)

2023 [2025]




Latest Conference Presentations

​"No Lineation Without Representation: Making Earth System Boundaries Objective” (w. Carlos Santana) 

PSA's 29th Biennial Meeting 

(New Orleans, Nov. 14-17, 2024)

"Authority and Responsibility: The Case of Novel Research” (w. Mason Majszak)

Science and Democracy Conference 

(University College Dublin, Sept. 9-11, 2024) 

“A Quest for Democratizing Measurement Practices in Environmental Science”

From Crisis to Coordination: Conversations Between Philosophy of Environmental Justice \& Philosophy of Conservation Science

(University of Minnesota, May 23-25, 2024)

“Demanding Evidence and Addressing Justice at the Intersection of Health and Environmental Sciences”

Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice Biennial Conference

(University of South Carolina, May 15-19, 2024)

“How Biodiversity Conservation Justifies Scientific Colonialism via Measurement Practices”

Southern African Society for Environmental Philosophy First Conference

Kruger National Park, Mar. 22-23, 2024

Latest Invited Presentations

“A Philosophical Framework for Evidence-Based Conservation”  

The Evidence Synthesis Toolkit: Perspectives from Biology and Philosophy

(Bielefeld University, Oct. 7-8, 2024)

“Two Senses of 'Evidence' in Evidence-Based Conservation”

Workshop on Environmental Philosophy

(University of Bern, Feb. 29, 2024)

"Evidence in EB Conservation"

Interdisciplinary workshop "Taming Complexity in Ecology" - Hi Knowledge Initiative

(Bad Blankenburg) Feb 27-29, 2024

Non Epistemic Considerations and Performance Metrics in Biodiversity Conservation”

Facing the Anthropocene: Interdisciplinary Approaches workshop 

(Stanford University) Jan. 31, 2024

Research Honours and Awards


Bloom Dissertation Fellowship

Boston University Graduate School of Arts Sciences

This competitive Research Fellowship is designed to provide summer funding to GRS doctoral students in the social sciences and the humanities, who will be in their final summer prior to graduating, enabling them to focus on completing their dissertation.


Link: dissertation-fellowships/

Edwin S. and Ruth M. White Prize

Boston University Center for the Humanities 

This competitive merit-based award is granted to graduate students doing excellent work in the humanities.



Women’s Guild award

Boston University 

This competitive merit-based award is granted to outstanding graduate students at Boston University who identify as female.


Dissertation Funding Award

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Philosophy 

This selective research award provides economic support to graduate students to enhance their dissertations and conduct field research.


Abner Shimony Prize in Philosophy of Science for the project “Philosophy of Biodiversity and Conservation”

Department of Philosophy, Boston University 

This research prize is awarded annually to one student for an exemplary project or paper on an important issue in the philosophy of science and/or environmental philosophy and demonstrates the interdisciplinary thinking necessary to solve complex socio-economic impacts on the environment.


Dissertation Funding Award

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Philosophy

This selective research award provides economic support to graduate students to enhance their dissertations. I used this award to visit Sabina Leonelli's Research Group at the University of Exeter


Boston University Grad. Organization Research Grant

Graduate Student Organization (GSO) (Boston University)

This competitive research award helps graduate students at Boston University to advance their dissertation writing. I used this award to visit Sabina Leonelli's Research Group at the University of Exeter.


Peter Diamandopoulos Fellowships Fund in Hellenic Studies

Stata Chair in the Department of Philosophy, Boston University [ 2019 ]

This generous research award is meant for students interested in pursuing research in Ancient Philosophy. I used this award to attend a Summer semester at Harvard University in the Department of Classics.

Academic Teaching

Instructor of Philosophy


Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics

Department of Philosophy, Boston University


Reasoning and Argumentation: Why Trust Science? 

Department of Philosophy, Boston University

For the extended version of my CV, 
please email me directly.

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